NPD Furniture Blog

Alberto Moreno

Alberto is a content writer at He is passionate about health and wellness and DIY. His hobbies are traveling, reading, and music.

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The Beginner's Guide to Biophilic Home Design

Posted by Alberto Moreno on Jun 30, 2023 8:19:04 AM

Humans have always been drawn to and inspired by nature. Sitting by a river, listening to the leaves rustle in the trees in your backyard, taking a breath of fresh air – nature has a way of improving our physical and mental health. Biophilic design embraces the human-nature connection by incorporating natural elements into your home. 

Whether you are building a new house or decorating your current one, there are a few ways to enjoy the many physical and mental health benefits of a greener space

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Topics: Insider, Home, home fashion, living room decor, indoor outdoor, sustainability, eco-friendly furniture, homeinspo, homedecor, wholesale furniture, residential home,

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